NUSSC Netball.
Overall position - 5th.
Unlike our usual form we actually LOST our first 2 matches! However, once one of the Northumbria team asked us what Intra-mural was we got a little suspicious. Then we realised that many of their players had been in the Stan Calvert match this year and became aware that we were actually playing a combination of the Northumbria first and second teams, making our 13-2 loss not too bad really!
Our second match was against Van Mildert from Durham and, once again, we were at a slight disadvantage in that they play on the outdoor courts in the gale force winds which flummoxed us a little. Not sure what the score was but we definitely lost, despite an excellent second half effort from the attacking side (Tori and Isy....well done girls!)
Our 3rd of the league matches saw us facing another Northumbria team and this time we whooped their asses 22-6 so gained some much needed confidence!
We then went on to the 5th/6th play-off and found ourselves against an interesting looking Sunderland team (dressed in blue and orange dresses-see photos!) which were, once again, a combination of the university teams. This time, however, we had finally mastered the wind and were not put off by the horrific colours facing us and managed to get a very respectable 11-9 win. Shame after being 4-0 up after a few minutes but happy with our 5th place nonetheless!
Thanks go especially to Heather Cameron who was teased out of retirement for one last flourish and played magnificently! Thanks! And of course thanks to Paul, our intrepid (if not a little cold) cheerleader!
It's the finals of our Tuesday league this week and next week with the Saturday finals taking place after easter so watch this space for info on the end of the most successful netball season ever!